Today we are remodeling the living room of a repeater's house - ‼️

Today, we will be replacing the wallpaper and repairing stains on the ceiling in the living room of a repeat client's home.

There is a stain on the ceiling that looks like a leak.

The client is very concerned about it. We certainly understand your concern.

Normally, however, we would have to paint the entire surface or apply a veneer board over the entire surface and then apply wallpaper over the veneer. This would cost about 70,000 to 120,000 yen in terms of budget.

But this time, we were able to get the job done on a budget that was much lower than that! Mr. Octopus, please do something... ‼️" So, in that case, it's up to me, who has a lot of experience.

I'm a New York art school graduate, so I'm a bit fussy when it comes to color!

The ceiling material has also become dull with age. We mixed white with yellow, black, and red paint to create an approximate color.

As the paint dries, it turns a slightly darker color than immediately after it is applied. The trick is to paint with a slightly lighter color in anticipation of this.

Well, how do you like it?

It's not perfect, but it's pretty close.

The customer also said, "It's beautiful now. ❗️ Thanks 😊. The budget was only 5 bu. 1.

If you have any concerns about housing, please feel free to call us at ⁉️. ❗️