
Please call us at 0120-915-193 / 0475-52-3531
Please tell us that you saw our website.
and we will be able to talk with you smoothly.


If you would like to contact us by e-mail, please use the inquiry form.
If you do not receive a reply within one business day, it is possible that there was a sending/receiving error.


Please send a fax to 0475-54-2402.
If you do not receive a reply after one business day, there is a possibility of a sending/receiving error.

Visit us in person

You are welcome to visit us in person.
Please feel free to visit us for a tour. Click here for our location.

Inquiry Form

If you have any questions or requests for the store, please contact us using the form below.
Please fill out the required information and click [Submit].

    Name (Required)

    E-mail (Required)

